As someone who does research on gender and games, I often hear the conventional wisdom that men prefer to play…
Recent reading: Reshaping the Work-Family Debate: Why Men and Class Matter, Joan C. Williams Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race and Family…
My brilliant friend Danielle made a thing! A really cool, mind-blowing, brain-breaking thing! Jailbreak the Patriarchy is a Chrome extension that…
Several people have asked me what I think about this article on the gender gap in Wikipedia contributions. A study,…
The other day, a friend of mine was talking about her (white) uncle and why he hates affirmative action. She…
Every time I see technology being marketed “for girls” I prepare myself to cringe. (Hello, Della.) I’m doubly cautious when…
Over on Laurian Vega’s blog, she shares a story about a student who undervalues her own work because of Impostor…
Still behind, but my sister encourages me to persist! (Perhaps I ought to refer to her as my persister?) The…
From the MIT report on women science faculty: Each generation of young women, including those who are currently senior faculty,…
I just read Eileen Burbidge’s post on women in technology. Here’s the quote that left me boggling: Within tech, I…