Lit is featured, among other games for health, in Forbes Magazine! The ideal: that “Lit” will cause smokers to reach…
I’m still putting together my list of games to assign for my advanced game workshop this spring, but I just…
I just came across the New York Times’ review of Jaron Lanier’s new book. Ordinarily I’d read it before opining,…
The Solar Video Kit project is brilliantly simple. It shows you how to put together commercially available items to make…
There are few words to describe how much I want to take this course. Or, more accurately, how much I…
What I find fascinating about this is not the guy leading a “Hey, Jude” sing-along in the airport, but rather…
This week’s reading: The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien The Two Towers, J.R.R. Tolkien The…
There’s something really delighful about the premise of The Gentlemen of the South Sandwiche Islands game, namely that one is…
I found this video of How People Count Cash absolutely compelling. It’s fun to watch, but the real lesson is…
Goodness, this is wonderful. The Wire is one of the best shows I’ve ever seen, and it’s taught me an…